The Learning Lifestyle

I don’t remember the exact day because it’s been a slow spillover to go from extreme defense and judgement to more of a learning perspective in daily life.

My life was centered around external praise and rejection. I had very little filling me up from the inside - just a hard exterior.

As much as my cells die and regenerate, so does my ego. I’ve repeated a thousand times, drills to hold myself accountable for my behavior and results. I am constantly looking inward so that I can “box clean”

I look for the places that I contribute to my boxers being stuck in patterns of plateau…..How can I withdraw from that stubbornness that locks me into battle rather than finding angles? They must have room to move into new realms without my stuff bogging them down and vice versa.

Learning is a blast. I’ve no pressure in finding subject matter because there is constant material in all my interactions. Every training session, every sparring session can be broken down into repeating patterns of responses in myself and my fighters. Learning is curiosity and wonderment. Learning allows you the ability to stay centered in the midst of the old ways pulling at you.



