I’ve always been this serious.
It seems to me that something as huge as getting to be a human is a pretty serious responsibility.
A responsibility I’ve neglected off and on in favor of self pity.
Owning this gym and being in a relationship have kicked my butt into humility and action over and over.
Add in COVID….. the final round….(at least in my current echelon of existence) and I’ve emerged with a deeper understanding of commitment to humans. Commitment to myself so that I may get out of the way of others emerging.
Each of us is someone in context to a family member. We all start somewhere…..How/Why are topics I don’t spend much thought to. We have a beginning….we are giant petri dishes taking in our environment. I also don’t understand the complexities of how and why we respond to our environments the way they do…..just that there seem to be commonalities of reaction in each type of personality. I see over and over how folks handle their environments in and out of the ring…I study my own behaviors.
I’m keen to know what decisions I make get me what types of outcomes. I like the responsibility. It’s thrilling to know I can train a new behavior….I can change rhythms…..stand my ground…..slip, parry….hold my sturdy structure through all movement. It’s fascinating to study what I don’t do….what I steer away from…how I walk into punches I know are coming.
It’s an incredible job to create space and structure for someone else to get to know and trust the depths of themselves in all circumstances they face. Incredible career choice for me, the incredible sport of boxing, an incredible strength and conditioning program with Functional Patterns. A trifecta of higher learning accessible to everyone willing to put in the fundamental work each day. Training on the daily to be sure I can walk the talk is a humbling and rewarding experience. The risk of multiple failures is worth the return of investment.