More time

My life and work are not separate. I enjoy learning all the time. I want to know myself so that I’m a better leader, mentor, follower, coach, whatever my role is in the moment. My life is my work- work is my life- when I rest or sit still it’s not to get away from work….it is simply to rest. We have so much more time than we think. We fill up little moments with useless nonsense and when you take the filler out…..minutes even hours appear.

My panting fills up my ears. ,POP- again…I cannot see where it’s coming from. Look for it….look for it…..CRACK— again. The bell rings to my relief. I hate the corner sometimes. He grabs my headgear and with last night’s beer stale on his breath, he hisses, “You can beat this girl. Quit staring at her gloves.” A ping in my heart, self doubt runs rampant, Seconds out….and again I enter the gauntlet of the unseen punch. I land my jab and the spring in my legs returns. I land another evading hers. This is what riding a motorcycle without a helmet feels like. This time I see them coming….I see more than before.

Our perspective is everything. It must be able to breathe and change forms, but always come back to something reliable and steady. An internal perspective that puts the kind of spin towards what you want to accomplish. I like to solve problems. There seems to be mechanics at least influencing if not the sole responsibility for how we see things. This is the internal perspective I’m talking about. If you are searching for the mechanics….you stay interested and physical… you cerebrally engage in the physical issues. It’s all encompassing…no time for bullshit or dramatics. You save the politeness, you get to work. Things slow down here too…’s interesting…I don’t have to be right or wrong or any kind of way…just studious.



waxing poetic


Living a dysfunctional life