Living a dysfunctional life
Most of us spend our lives avoiding feeling our dysfunctional behavior or dysfunctional movement and we definitely avoid being aware of our dysfunctional thoughts.
We get a little caught up in the accuracy or in-accuracy of our memories. What’s really important is what we think we remember and how we interpret it. This storytelling is a clue to where we need to put our attention. The way we interpret our experiences are echoed in our thoughts and they ultimately become our physical posture and actions. If you want to know yourself better then listen to how you remember - listen to the stories you tell it’s all you need to get a window into new possibilities and what is keeping you stuck.
It took me just over 40 years to be a true professional. I spent a majority of those years working my ass off but feeling sorry for my existence. Feeling sorry for the lot I had in life. I was amateur in my thinking and in my actions. I allowed resistance to rule my day to day. I avoided anything unpleasant through drugs, alcohol, excessive working- excessive busy-ness….anything to not have to slow down and actually feel what I was doing and not doing. I’ve only begun to hit my stride by changing to a professional mindset in everything I do.
I constantly question my thoughts, my actions - though I’m not bogged down on their correctness…..I know to not define myself by my outcomes….they are information—-do I like or dislike my results…what do I need to change…..what am I learning? What do I continue to do poorly——how do I change that fact?
The amateur over identifies with her vocation, she defines herself by it. Resistance knows the amateur composure will never write his symphony because he is overly invested in his success and overly terrified in his failure- The War of Art
I apply this professionalism mindset to the coaching of my amateurs and pros equally……for if we are going to get hit in the head and risk great harm, we must be professional in all aspects in life. We must take absolute responsibility for each and every thing we do.
We must be open to discovering what begets what results and refine how we live our lives constantly.
Being a boxer and being an entrepreneur are one in the same to me. They are lonely places where you are sure to have a ton of critics and other folks who think they can do better than you or that you are doing it wrong. They are places where your outcome is a direct reflection of your work. They are honest places.
I will always live in the ring no matter my profession until I die.