Perception and responsibility

I am aware when I say something that I am both right and wrong at the same time- Because the perception of the individual listening to me will determine the validity of what I say according to their point of view. Thus, I am only responsible for the clarity and integrity of what I say, not what others hear or feel because I don’t control others’ perception.—Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. The Mastery of Self

In boxing if you can’t hear real things from the mouth of another, you have no business in the ring.

The world needs more truth tellers and less projectionists. We need our universal truths exposed….not hidden and saved against the discomfort of others.

It’s taken over 40 years of hidden aggression- feigned passivity for me to realize what a disservice I did myself and others. Trying to prove points….hinting at my opinion not being forthright……passive aggressiveness. I always had a lot of dramatic situations and felt victim to them. I certainly feel the pull of that behavior, even now at 50…The desire for your old ways is a lot like your jab hand dropping upon return when you get fatigued. You don’t have the structure to maintain the bravery it takes to be truthful to yourself and others. You don’t have what it takes to keep your hands up.

These inauthentic communication styles are all forms of violence….violence against others and violence to the self. Our silence, our unspoken judgements, the way we push our values on others…..

The ring is so honest…You punch one another and you both can feel where it’s coming from. The boxer who knows himself does not need the other for anything other than reflection… see where she is at in her ability to hold structure under duress. She uses the ring to practice supreme mental focus, to exercise her training to the highest percentage possible.



Changing Habits


a little thought process