Cut and dried

Boxing is not a cut and dried experience. Each training, each fight is a complex storied event. More explanation is usually needed for the boxer to understand the trainer’s bigger picture. Sometimes you put your boxer in a seemingly impossible situation to create more duress than they have experienced in the past so they may arrive to new places in their future.

“I don’t give a shit about winning or losing today. What I care about is the man that shows up in round 2 with composure. I care about how you can settle down and do the simple work and improve.”

Corner instructions recently to a boxer who is prone to frustration and shut down. I watched his first round as the shock of what lay before him for 9 minutes. I could see him want to shut down, but in a fight, you can’t or it’s over. He came back to the corner after 3 minutes of being overwhelmed at the task, he expressed his frustration, “Holy Shit!!!” It was a beautiful teaching moment.

The second and third round he was able to see more….his vision cleared because he had a different focus than winning or losing. He immediately understood the bigger picture and turned the match into a giant success while still losing the bout.

This sport enriches lives….it changes people….teaches them to deal with anxiety……failure……success…….hardship…….repetition…..All massively important skills for thriving in the world where nature can be brutal.



When I was 10


Going into dysfunction